ThriveBound 12 - week program

Reclaim Your Life from Narcissistic Abuse & Rediscover Your True Self

Transform Your Life in Just 12 Weeks:

Spot Toxic Tactics: Learn to identify and counter abusive behaviors.

Rediscover Yourself: Uncover your authentic self, free from manipulation.

Set Powerful Boundaries: Gain the strength to say no and protect your peace.

Regain Control: Feel empowered and in charge of your life again.

Break Free: Find the courage to leave toxic relationships behind.

Rebuild with Confidence: Develop a solid foundation for your future self.

• Attract Healthy Relationships: Welcome love and respect into your life.

Basic Program-$2,000

Complete material:
Access all-encompassing course content and PDFs.

Community group: Build connections with a vibrant community of like minded people.

Weekly online coaching group: Participate in hands-on Zoom sessions designed for growth.

Holistic Lab sessions: benefit from holistic healing approaches in group calls.

Weekly online psycho education: Join insightful Zoom sessions for educational enrichment.

Premium program-$ 4,200

Complete material: Access all-encompassing course content and PDFs.

Community group: Build connections with a vibrant community of like-minded people.

Weekly online coaching group: Participate in hands-on Zoom sessions designed for growth.

Holistic Lab sessions: Benefit from holistic healing approaches in group calls.

Personalised one to one sessions: Enjoy a weekly 45-minute sessions tailored to your needs.

Direct messaging for additional support: Get instant advice and support when you need it.

Ready to thrive?

Discover How Our ThriveBound Programs Can Transform Your Life

Schedule a Discovery Call with Us!

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Our discovery call will give you a personalized overview of the Basic and Premium programs, allowing you to ask questions and understand how our courses can meet your specific needs. Find the perfect fit for your journey towards empowerment and self-recovery.